I don't know how to react or to express my feelings.
I'm sad. I'm broken. I want to cry. But I can't. I have to be strong. There's too much happening in my life. I can't think properly. My inside already died. I don't know what to do.
Need help.
Why this happen in my life? What can I do? Move on? I overthink a lot until I can't have a proper sleep because every night I will think, think and think.
I'm sad. Really really sad.
And I also deactive my Instagram. I need rest. A long rest.
Any motivation that can reduce it?
H.E.L.P me.
im not sure about you but if you like drawing or painting, i suggest you to do one. i know its hard to approach people to tell our problems but at least we do something to help ourself calm at some point and releasing the stress and thoughts :) dont give up and keep strong!
Saya suka datang dekat dengan kawan2 kalau saya tension. sometimes, friends can be a cure to sadness
semoga dipermudahkan urusannya
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