
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wordless #8

Well, hello. 
Randomly writing again. As usual, every month. Once in a month, maybe😅

Being busy with work and the other stuffs. Well, have a time to write but being lazy is superrrr annoying. Can you feel me? HAHA. And also had a many things to settle down. 
So, here another my wordless. Happy reading!😏

"Even the good people, the ones you dream of meeting, fuck up. People aren’t perfect and loving someone means handing them a gun and trusting them not to shoot you. But we’re all human and sometimes we get scared and we panic, accidentally pulling the trigger. That doesn’t mean that they don’t love you… it just means that Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual and sometimes we do the wrong thing. So do you banish them from your life and try to forget their existence when you might have made the very same mistake if the roles were reversed? If they shot you and are begging for forgiveness, willing to do anything to make it up to you, do you give them another chance and hope that the good you see in them will overcome the bad? Or do you just shut down and walk away?”— I guess it depends what kind of person you want to be - Jess Amelia

1 comment:

Aisy said... [Reply]

Actually, I like the sunflower gif hehehe. Where you get?

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